Hershey Trading GmbH works to support The Hershey Company’s adherence to its rigorous sourcing policies that are designed to ensure safe and quality ingredients produced in compliance with the highest ethical standards.
As a strategic cocoa sourcing thought leader, Hershey Trading GmbH is dedicated to supporting The Hershey Company’s commitment towards a sustainable supply chain and shares the responsibility for achieving this goal. As such, Hershey Trading GmbH operates in a manner that complies with all company policies, including:
The Hershey Company’s human rights policy outlines its commitment to respect human rights throughout the value chain.
The Hershey Company’s environmental policy outlines a commitment to reducing the environmental footprint of Hershey’s value chain.
The Hershey Company’s Supplier Code of Conduct outlines standards and expectations with respect to key areas of corporate social responsibility.
This report describes Hershey Trading GmbH's compliance with the due diligence obligations pursuant to art. 964j to 964l CO and the DDTrO regarding child labor.